Hazy Days, …

sunny days,
sheer haze plays 
on heightened feelings, 
loving ways, reflecting times, 
on sitting still, never regretted, 
and never will.
Old emotions, past and gone
leaving mere traces to ponder upon.
Memories stirred as a movie screen
flicker behind closed eyes
“Oh!! what might have been.”


Second Thoughts….

The wind’s so breezy, the day seems so cold 

yet Spring is here or so we’ve been told,
It’s threatening to rain, dark clouds overhead

maybe I’ll turn over, have a lazy day in bed.


Gaia, …

I bear the weight,

black tarmac roads,

Commercial Trucks with heavy loads.

I hear the sound,

thunder of feet,

pounding along a cold paved street.

I feel machines,

ripping my skin,

sinuous pipes deep within…

I see mighty structures,

soaring up high

their concrete fingers scraping my sky.

Yes I am the Earth, …I need to breathe,…

let me…
