Hazy Days, …

sunny days,
sheer haze plays 
on heightened feelings, 
loving ways, reflecting times, 
on sitting still, never regretted, 
and never will.
Old emotions, past and gone
leaving mere traces to ponder upon.
Memories stirred as a movie screen
flicker behind closed eyes
“Oh!! what might have been.”


The Plan, …

“Come in, sit down, let’s talk over your plan”

So I sat, listened to the strange little man.
He seemed unfazed by my frowning face

his cheesy grin fixed, glued in place.
My Plan was effective, surely no doubt.

The Plan? 

For me to know & you



find out.


Blue Heaven, …


the carpet swathing the ground,

as richly coloured as can be found.

the sky looking down at the scene,

like a fairytale or what might have been.


the depths of the waters fall,

nothing compares, nothing at all.


Forgotten, …

The old wooden fence leans over,

weighed down by age & wear.

Strong ivy clings on regardless

white belled flowers nod in the air.

The house looks lost, so dreamy,

dusty windows mournful to see

how unruly is the large garden

without hands to tend lovingly?


Moonlit, …

The Moon,

dressed in white glory,

stares down with careless gaze,

at those who worship her beauty,

looking up, marking every phase. 

Her spectral light, it glistens

upon a restless churning sea,

as with every waxing ‘n waning,

tidal waves obey her mute plea.
