Odours, …

Odours full of memories
tinctures of days gone by,
as you inhale the scents
close your eyes and fly
right back in time
to the memory held,
let your mind flow,
let your happiness meld.
Inhale again, lock on to a scene you recall,
entranced by the seashore, the circling gulls call ,
or tramping through the wood, walking a forest floor
hearing brittle twigs snap, once, twice, thrice, more.
Suddenly seeking a known figure, surely just there?
no, just sadly mistaken, howe’er long you stare.
‘Tis bitter sweet knowledge you finally learn
you cannot go back, you cannot return.


Antique Lore, …

Let me tell a short tale, ‘tis a dark stormy night,

thunder & lightning rule the skies.

Below an alleyway, bereft of street light,

halfway down it an Antique shop hides.

For decades it’s waited

as written in folklore,

your fate is well sealed

as you enter its door.

(…so, don’t do it….
You’ve been warned)

Blue Morning, …

In the pale blue of morning

before the sun casts its light,

the day is near to breaking,

tho’ still grasped by night.

The air is filled with promise

as if sharing a secret or two,

for in the pale blue of morning,

maybe a wish





Blue Heaven, …


the carpet swathing the ground,

as richly coloured as can be found.

the sky looking down at the scene,

like a fairytale or what might have been.


the depths of the waters fall,

nothing compares, nothing at all.


Allure, …

When eyes meet, smiles greet, hearts entwine,
over time.
       Body language, ever so sure, instantly knows  
a pulling allure.
      Looking back,  forever say, we met, we clicked 
  fell in love that day.
        No way of telling what’s in store, talking eyes speak
       you’re caught, wanting more.  


Painting info…. Hellelil and Hildebrand,

the Meeting on the Turret Stairs

by Frederic William Burton