Antique Lore, Part 2/

There’s a magic feel to the Ancient Shoppe
spicy aromas of a bygone age,
as dim memories that will never stop
sepia photos spilling out from the page.

You look around slowly with eyes so wide
look around but you must never touch
As the goods are magic and more beside,
the price you pay may be too, too much.

You choose with care the Goods you require,
choose as a moral bargain is struck
As the Shopkeeper knows it will never expire
As an unwary shoplifter alas tried his luck.

None doth know where the light-fingered one went,
none doth know if his life was forsaken,
only the Shopkeeper knows and he won’t relent
the Shopkeeper
senses if anything is taken.

Penn …2023

Link to Antique Lore if you missed

the first warning episode….Penn.🦋

Antique Lore, …

Let me tell a short tale, ‘tis a dark stormy night,

thunder & lightning rule the skies.

Below an alleyway, bereft of street light,

halfway down it an Antique shop hides.

For decades it’s waited

as written in folklore,

your fate is well sealed

as you enter its door.

(…so, don’t do it….
You’ve been warned)