Antique Lore, …

Let me tell a short tale, ‘tis a dark stormy night,

thunder & lightning rule the skies.

Below an alleyway, bereft of street light,

halfway down it an Antique shop hides.

For decades it’s waited

as written in folklore,

your fate is well sealed

as you enter its door.

(…so, don’t do it….
You’ve been warned)

The Plan, …

“Come in, sit down, let’s talk over your plan”

So I sat, listened to the strange little man.
He seemed unfazed by my frowning face

his cheesy grin fixed, glued in place.
My Plan was effective, surely no doubt.

The Plan? 

For me to know & you



find out.


One last Chance, …

Come, let me paint you a picture,

a room, with a window & door,

inside a lost & broken man,

head in hands, sat on the floor.

Let me paint another picture,

hope rising, he stares at the door,

there she was, his love, his anchor.

One last chance” he whispers, 

one chance more!


Passion, …

If every picture has a story to tell

I wonder, what does this one say? 

It speaks to me of a love that’s lost

a tryst, hidden, not shown in any way.

It speaks to me of true passion held

of two souls who should be as one,

most of all it speaks of cruel sadness

Of  Lovers fated, apart, a Love gone.

Maybe the Lady is promised to another,

or Her Knight rides for the Crusades,

but their story is captured for ever

in this print, shown to us, ‘twill never fade…..


My Entry to Wordy Weekend prompt #2

Precious, …

Gaze long at me, a precious thing.

Lust after me, the One Ring.

Cast bright as gold

aeons ago as foretold,

you’re the one I enthral

as under my spell you fall,

in ruling your mind

I rule all mankind,

“Precious, my precious”


I’ve read the Books, by J.R.R.Tolkien. saw all the films, and re-read the books, own all the DVD’s…You could say I’m a fan, of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and the like, …obsessed, you could say too, …I wouldn’t argue…