Trailing Thoughts, …

To dream a dream in darkness of night,

to follow its trail, a wisp of smoky white.

To fly over the Earth, look down, so small,

giving wonder, does anything matter, at all.

The dawn of time, ‘til the dawn of change

what matters is life,

in natural rearrange.

Hazy Days, …

sunny days,
sheer haze plays 
on heightened feelings, 
loving ways, reflecting times, 
on sitting still, never regretted, 
and never will.
Old emotions, past and gone
leaving mere traces to ponder upon.
Memories stirred as a movie screen
flicker behind closed eyes
“Oh!! what might have been.”


Blue Morning, …

In the pale blue of morning

before the sun casts its light,

the day is near to breaking,

tho’ still grasped by night.

The air is filled with promise

as if sharing a secret or two,

for in the pale blue of morning,

maybe a wish





Forgotten, …

The old wooden fence leans over,

weighed down by age & wear.

Strong ivy clings on regardless

white belled flowers nod in the air.

The house looks lost, so dreamy,

dusty windows mournful to see

how unruly is the large garden

without hands to tend lovingly?


Passion, …

If every picture has a story to tell

I wonder, what does this one say? 

It speaks to me of a love that’s lost

a tryst, hidden, not shown in any way.

It speaks to me of true passion held

of two souls who should be as one,

most of all it speaks of cruel sadness

Of  Lovers fated, apart, a Love gone.

Maybe the Lady is promised to another,

or Her Knight rides for the Crusades,

but their story is captured for ever

in this print, shown to us, ‘twill never fade…..


My Entry to Wordy Weekend prompt #2

Shadows of Night, …

Feelings are as shadows,


hardly seen.



as a half

forgotten dream.

Vagueness surrounds,

& however hard you try,

shadows avoid your grasp

as twilight drifts on by…



Stunning beauty on display as he proudly strides about.

Parading for his female,  surely there’s no doubt?

He’s the best, the one & only, the most resplendent of his kind, 

should she ever dare turn him down, 

why, ‘twould prove she be blind.
